Invasion of Privacy Lawsuit Guide | Minc Law

Minc Law
15 min readMay 29, 2024


By: Aaron Minc
Attorney & Founder of Minc Law

If you’re reading this, chances are your privacy has been violated and you’re wondering if you have grounds for a lawsuit. In our increasingly digital world, invasion of privacy is becoming more common — and more devastating.

That’s why we’ve created this comprehensive guide to help you understand your legal rights and options. In this article, we’ll break down the types of invasion of privacy claims, the elements you need to prove, and the steps you can take to seek justice. You don’t have to navigate this difficult situation alone. Let’s get started.

What is an Invasion of Privacy Lawsuit?

An invasion of privacy lawsuit allows you to take legal action against someone who has intruded into your private affairs, publicly disclosed your private information, spread falsehoods about you, or exploited your likeness for their gain. To have a valid claim, you typically must prove the intrusion was highly offensive and caused you damages. Remedies can include monetary damages, punitive damages, and injunctions.

An invasion of privacy lawsuit is a legal action you can take when someone violates your right to privacy. This could involve someone intruding into your personal matters, publicly disclosing private information about you, presenting you in a false light, or using your name, image, or likeness for their own benefit without your permission.

The goal of an invasion of privacy lawsuit is to hold the offending party accountable for their actions and recover damages for the harm they caused you. This can include compensation for emotional distress, damage to your reputation, financial losses, and more. In some cases, you may also be able to get an injunction ordering the other party to stop the invasive conduct.

There are four main types of invasion of privacy claims you can make in a lawsuit:

  1. intrusion upon seclusion
  2. public disclosure of private facts
  3. false light
  4. appropriation of name or likeness

In the next section, we’ll explore each of these claims in more depth so you can better understand whether you may have a viable case.

What Are the Different Types of Invasion of Privacy Claims?

There are four main types of invasion of privacy claims recognized by most states. Let’s look at each one in more detail:

Type 1: Intrusion Upon Seclusion

Intrusion upon seclusion happens when someone intentionally intrudes on your solitude, seclusion, or private affairs in a way that would be highly offensive to a reasonable person. This could include secretly recording you in your home, hacking into your email account to read your messages, or taking photos of you through your window. The key is that you had a reasonable expectation of privacy in the situation, and the intrusion would be highly offensive to an average person.

Real-world example: John and Sarah shared a house together. John suspected Sarah was cheating on him, so without Sarah’s knowledge, he set up hidden cameras in their bedroom and bathroom. Sarah found out and sued John for intrusion upon seclusion. The court ruled in Sarah’s favor because she had a reasonable expectation of privacy in her bedroom and bathroom, and John’s secret recording was highly offensive.

Type 2: Public Disclosure of Private Facts

Public disclosure of private facts occurs when someone publicly reveals truthful but private information about you that is not of legitimate public concern and would be highly offensive to a reasonable person if disclosed. This could include revealing someone’s medical records, sexual orientation, or financial troubles to the public.

Real-world example: Jane told her doctor, Tom, about her HIV-positive status. Tom then told several of Jane’s co-workers about her diagnosis. Jane sued Tom for public disclosure of private facts. The court ruled in Jane’s favor because her HIV status was a private fact, not of public concern, and disclosing it was highly offensive.

Type 3: False Light

False light is similar to defamation, but the information doesn’t have to be technically false — it just has to present someone in a false or misleading light. This could include manipulating a photo to make it seem like someone was in an embarrassing situation or publishing a misleading article that creates a false impression about someone’s character or actions.

Real-world example: A newspaper published an article with a photo of a local politician, Joe, with the headline “Politician Linked to Corruption Scandal.” The article was about an investigation into corruption regarding another politician, but Joe was not actually involved. He was simply interviewed as a witness. Joe sued the newspaper for false light because the misleading headline painted him in a false, negative light. The court ruled that Joe had a valid false light claim.

Type 4: Appropriation of Name or Likeness

Appropriation happens when someone uses your name, image, likeness, or other aspects of your identity for their own benefit or advantage without your permission. This often comes up in a commercial context, like a company using a celebrity’s photo in an ad without permission. But it can also apply to non-commercial uses, like someone impersonating you online for their own purposes.

Real-world example: Mary was a famous model. A cosmetic company started using Mary’s photo in social media posts advertising their products without Mary’s permission. Mary sued for appropriation of likeness. The court agreed that the company had wrongfully used Mary’s image for commercial gain without consent.

As you can see, invasion of privacy claims can arise in many different ways. And in our digital age, the opportunities for privacy violations are only increasing. In the next section, we’ll discuss the legal elements you’ll need to prove for each type of claim.

How Do You Prove an Invasion of Privacy Claim?

To win an invasion of privacy lawsuit, you’ll need to prove several key elements. While the specific criteria vary depending on the type of claim and the laws of your state, there are some general principles that apply across the board.

Criteria 1: You had a reasonable expectation of privacy.

For intrusion upon seclusion and public disclosure of private facts claims, you’ll need to show that you had a reasonable expectation of privacy in the situation. This means you had a legitimate belief that your privacy would be respected, based on the circumstances. Factors that courts consider include:
* The location (your home vs. a public place)
* The nature of the information or activity (medical issues vs. your political opinions)
* Steps you took to protect your privacy (using a privacy screen vs. leaving documents out in the open)

Criteria 2: The invasion was highly offensive to a reasonable person.

The level of offensiveness is judged by an objective “reasonable person” standard, not your subjective feelings. The invasion must be something that would cause mental anguish or shame to an ordinary person. Mere annoyances or insensitive behavior usually aren’t enough. Some factors that suggest offensiveness include:
* The type of information disclosed (your sex life vs. your favorite color)
* How widely it was shared (published in a newspaper vs. told to one person)
* The relationship between you and the invader (your doctor vs. a stranger)

Criteria 3:The invasion caused you harm.

In most states, you’ll need to prove that the invasion of privacy caused you real harm or damages. This could include:
* Mental anguish, anxiety, or emotional distress
* Damage to your reputation or relationships
* Lost profits if the invasion impacted your business
* Medical expenses for treating emotional distress

Unlike defamation claims, you usually don’t have to prove specific financial losses. Significant emotional distress is enough in most cases. But you’ll need evidence of your harm, which could include testimony from you and others close to you or records of mental health treatment.

Criteria 4: The information publicized is not “newsworthy.”

For public disclosure and false light claims, the information at issue can’t be a legitimate matter of public concern. Courts balance your privacy interests against the public’s right to know about important issues. Factors that suggest something is newsworthy include:
* The social value of the information
* The depth of intrusion into your private affairs
* The extent to which you voluntarily put yourself in the public eye
* The factual nature of the information disclosed

If the information is a matter of public record or deals with an important public issue, courts are more likely to see it as newsworthy. Also, the media have more leeway to publish information about public figures than private citizens.

Criteria 5: Your name or likeness was used for the invader’s benefit.

For appropriation claims, you’ll need to show that someone used your name, image, or likeness for their own benefit without your permission. Usually, this means they used it for a commercial purpose, like in an advertisement or on a product. But some states also allow claims for non-commercial appropriation. You’ll need to show that the use actually benefited the invader in some way and that they didn’t have your consent.

Criteria 6: The invader acted intentionally.

Most invasion of privacy claims require you to show that the defendant intentionally invaded your privacy. Accidental (or negligent) disclosures or intrusions usually aren’t enough. The defendant must have acted with the intent of violating your privacy, or with knowledge that their actions would do so.

If you’re considering an invasion of privacy lawsuit, the best first step is to consult with an experienced attorney. Invasion of privacy law is complex and fact-specific. An attorney can help you understand your rights and build the strongest possible case.

At Minc Law, we have extensive experience with invasion of privacy claims. We know how upsetting and harmful a privacy violation can be, and we’re here to help you get justice. In the next section, we’ll discuss the types of remedies and damages you may be able to recover in an invasion of privacy lawsuit.

What Damages Can You Recover in an Invasion of Privacy Lawsuit?

If you’ve been the victim of an invasion of privacy, you may be entitled to several types of damages. The goal of damages is to compensate you for the losses and harm you’ve suffered as a result of the invasion. Here are some of the most common types of damages in invasion of privacy cases:

Compensatory Damages

Compensatory damages are designed to make you “whole” by compensating you for the actual losses and injuries caused by the invasion of privacy. There are two main types of compensatory damages:

  1. Economic Damages: These are damages for financial losses, such as lost wages if you missed work due to emotional distress or medical bills for therapy you needed after the invasion. You’ll need to document these losses with evidence like pay stubs, bills, and receipts.
  2. Non-Economic Damages: These are damages for intangible losses, like emotional distress, anxiety, humiliation, and damage to your reputation. These damages can be more difficult to quantify, but they are often the most significant part of an invasion of privacy award. You can prove non-economic damages through testimony from you, your family and friends, and expert witnesses like therapists.

Punitive Damages

In some cases, you may also be able to recover punitive damages. Unlike compensatory damages, which are meant to compensate you for your losses, punitive damages are designed to punish the defendant for especially malicious or egregious conduct and deter others from similar behavior. Punitive damages are not available in all states or all cases. Usually, you’ll need to show that the defendant acted with intentional malice or reckless disregard for your rights. If awarded, punitive damages can be substantial, sometimes even exceeding compensatory damages.

Injunctive Relief

In addition to monetary damages, you may also be able to get an injunction as part of your invasion of privacy lawsuit. An injunction is a court order requiring the defendant to do something (like take down an offensive post) or refrain from doing something (like contacting you). Injunctions can be an important tool in invasion of privacy cases because they can help put an end to ongoing violations and prevent future ones. For example, if someone is constantly harassing you and publishing private information about you online, an injunction could order them to cease this behavior and remove any offending content.

Statutory Damages

Some states have laws that set a specific range of damages for certain types of privacy violations. For example, California’s “Shine the Light” law allows consumers to recover up to $3,000 if a business shares their personal information with third parties without proper notice. If your state has a law like this that applies to your situation, you may be able to recover statutory damages in addition to your other losses.

Invasion of privacy damages can be significant, especially in cases involving widespread disclosure of highly sensitive information. In recent years, there have been several multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements in invasion of privacy cases. For example:

  • In 2016, a jury awarded $55 million to a sportscaster who was secretly filmed nude in her hotel room, and the video was posted online.
  • In 2011, a man sued a hospital for allowing reality TV crews to film him without his consent while he was being treated for a suicide attempt. He settled for $2.2 million.

Of course, every case is unique and damages can vary widely based on the specific facts involved. An experienced invasion of privacy lawyer can evaluate your case and give you a sense of the potential value of your claim.

In the next section, we’ll discuss the process of actually filing an invasion of privacy lawsuit and what you can expect as your case moves forward.

How Do You File an Invasion of Privacy Lawsuit?

If you believe you have an invasion of privacy claim, the first step is to consult with an experienced attorney. Invasion of privacy law is complex, and the specific procedures for filing a lawsuit vary by state. An attorney can help you assess the strength of your case, gather evidence, and navigate the legal process. Here’s a general overview of what you can expect:

Step 1: Documentation & Evidence Gathering

Start by documenting the invasion of privacy as thoroughly as possible. This may include:
* Screenshots of offensive posts or messages
* Copies of letters or other physical communications
* Photographs or videos related to the invasion
* Records of any expenses you’ve incurred (e.g., therapy bills, lost wages)
* Witness statements from anyone who saw the invasion or its impact on you
Your attorney will help you identify what evidence is most important for your case.

Step 2: Choosing a Court & Filing a Complaint

Next, your attorney will determine which court has jurisdiction over your case. This usually depends on where you live, where the defendant lives or does business, and the amount of damages you’re seeking. Once the appropriate court is identified, your attorney will draft a formal complaint laying out the facts of your case and the legal claims you’re making. The complaint is filed with the court, and you officially become the “plaintiff” in the lawsuit.

Step 3: Serving the Defendant

After the complaint is filed, the defendant must be formally notified of the lawsuit. This is called “serving” the defendant. Your attorney will arrange for the complaint and related papers to be delivered to the defendant, usually by a process server or the sheriff’s office. The defendant then has a set time (usually 30 days) to file a formal response to your complaint.

Step 4: Discovery

Once the lawsuit is underway, both sides engage in “discovery.” This is the process of exchanging information and evidence related to the case. Your attorney may send written questions (interrogatories) or document requests to the defendant, and the defendant can do the same to you. You may also need to participate in a deposition, where you answer questions under oath. Discovery can be a lengthy process, but it’s crucial for building a strong case.

Step 5: Pretrial Motions & Hearings

Before the case goes to trial, there may be various motions and hearings. For example, the defendant might file a motion to dismiss the case, arguing that even if all the facts in your complaint are true, you still don’t have a valid legal claim. Or, your attorney might file a motion for summary judgment, arguing that the evidence is so clear that there’s no need for a trial. There may also be hearings on issues like what evidence can be presented at trial.

Step 6: Settlement Negotiations

Most invasion of privacy cases are settled before trial. At some point in the process, your attorney will likely engage in settlement discussions with the defendant’s attorneys. This may involve back-and-forth negotiations or a formal mediation session with a neutral third party. If you can reach a settlement you’re comfortable with, you can avoid the time, expense, and uncertainty of a trial.

Step 7: Trial

If a settlement isn’t reached, the case will proceed to trial. Invasion of privacy trials are usually before a jury. At trial, both sides present evidence and arguments, and witnesses testify. The jury then decides whether the defendant is liable and, if so, how much damages to award. Trials can be stressful and time-consuming, but they are sometimes necessary to get the best result.

The timeline for an invasion of privacy lawsuit can vary significantly. Some cases may settle in a matter of months, while others can drag on for years. The complexity of the case, the court’s schedule, and the parties’ willingness to settle all play a role.

Throughout the process, it’s crucial to have an experienced invasion of privacy lawyer on your side. At Minc Law, we guide our clients through every step of the process with skill and compassion. We understand how stressful and emotionally draining an invasion of privacy can be, and we’re here to shoulder the legal burden so you can focus on healing.

How Can an Invasion of Privacy Lawyer Help?

Dealing with an invasion of privacy can be overwhelming. You may be feeling vulnerable, angry, and unsure of where to turn. That’s where an experienced invasion of privacy lawyer can make all the difference. Here’s how an attorney can help:

  • Evaluating Your Case
    One of the first things an invasion of privacy attorney will do is thoroughly evaluate your case. They’ll listen to your story, review any evidence you have, and ask questions to get a full understanding of the situation. Based on this information, they can give you an honest assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your case and advise you on your best course of action.
  • Investigating & Gathering Evidence
    To build a strong case, you’ll need evidence to back up your claims. An experienced attorney will know what type of evidence is most persuasive in invasion of privacy cases and how to get it. They may hire investigators to uncover additional proof, track down witnesses, or consult with expert witnesses who can testify about the harm you’ve suffered.
  • Navigating the Legal Process
    The legal system can be confusing and intimidating, especially if you’ve never been involved in a lawsuit before. An invasion of privacy lawyer can guide you through every step of the process, from filing the initial complaint to representing you in court. They’ll handle the legal paperwork, court filings, and deadlines so you don’t have to.
  • Communicating with the Other Side
    One of the most stressful parts of an invasion of privacy case can be dealing with the person who violated your privacy. An attorney can take over all communication with the other party and their lawyers. This not only relieves you of the stress of these interactions but also ensures that your rights are protected and nothing is said that could harm your case.
  • Negotiating a Settlement
    Most invasion of privacy cases end in a settlement rather than going to trial. An experienced attorney will be a skilled negotiator who can advocate for your interests in settlement talks. They’ll work to get you the best possible outcome, whether that’s monetary compensation, an injunction to stop further violations or a formal apology.
  • Fighting for You in Court
    If your case does go to trial, you want an attorney who is a strong courtroom advocate. Invasion of privacy trials can be complex, often involving technical evidence and expert testimony. Your attorney will present your case in the most compelling light, cross-examine the other side’s witnesses, and argue persuasively for the damages you deserve.
  • Providing Emotional Support
    Invasion of privacy cases are deeply personal. Having your private life exposed can be emotionally traumatic. A good invasion of privacy lawyer will understand this and provide the emotional support you need throughout the process. While their primary role is legal advisor, they can also be a source of strength and guidance during a difficult time.

Stand Up for Your Right to Privacy with Minc Law

Invasion of privacy is a deeply personal violation that can leave lasting scars. If you’ve had your private information exposed, your dignity compromised, or your likeness misused, you know how devastating it can be. But you don’t have to suffer in silence. The law provides powerful remedies for invasion of privacy, and with the right legal team on your side, you can get the justice you deserve.

At Minc Law, we understand the pain and anger that comes with having your privacy violated. We’ve made it our mission to stand up for the privacy rights of individuals across the country. Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to holding privacy violators accountable and getting our clients the compensation and peace of mind they deserve.

If you’re considering an invasion of privacy lawsuit, the most important thing you can do is act quickly. There are deadlines for filing these claims, and critical evidence can be lost if you delay. Contact Minc Law today to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our invasion of privacy attorneys. We’ll listen to your story,assess your case, and advise you on your best path forward.

Remember, you have the right to control your personal information and to live free from intrusion into your private life. When someone violates those rights, you have the power to fight back. Let Minc Law be your advocate in that fight.

Don’t let an invasion of your privacy go unanswered. Stand up for your rights with Minc Law. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

Originally published at on May 29, 2024.



Minc Law
Minc Law

Written by Minc Law

Minc Law is the Nation’s #1 Internet Defamation Removal Law Firm. Schedule your free, initial no-obligation defamation consultation at

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